Soma Neuromuscular Integration

Health / Massage / Soma Neuromuscular Integration: A ten-session system of bodywork, SOMA neuromuscular integration works the fascial network to release chronic, stored structural aberrations; to effectively realign the entire body; and to facilitate the change process. The three brain model theory and holographic body reading, as part of the SOMA theoretical framework, assist the practitioner to analyze each individual blueprint, personalize needs, and design the session for each structure. SOMA work includes extensive guidance tools (movement, journaling, drawing interpretation, and other mind/body integrating tools) for training bodywork practitioners and for educating clients.
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Health / Massage / Soma: SOMA is a unique development of the holographic body reading technique. Holographic body reading recognizes that each person has an individual blueprint, allowing for the practitioner to analyze this, MORE

Somatic Cells

Science / Genetics / Somatic Cells: Any cell in the body except gametes and their precursors. MORE

Somatic Cell Hybrid

Science / Genetics / Somatic Cell Hybrid: Hybrid cell line derived from two different species: contains a complete chromosomal complement of one species and a partial chromosomal complement of the other: human/hamster hybrids grow and divide, MORE