Bonding And Relaxation Techniques (BART)

Health / Massage / Bonding And Relaxation Techniques (BART): Based on the parent education program of infant massage by Virnala mcclure, BART is a program of stroking for individuals with, or at risk for, developmental delays. Designed to empower parents and instill parental confidence, as well as nourish the bond between parent and child, BART aids in relaxation, normalization of muscle tone, respiratory and gastrointestinal functioning, sensory integration, and behavioral organization.
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Other Words for Relaxation

Relaxation Verb Synonyms: ease, repose, rest, leisure, recreation, amusement, entertainment, fun, pleasure, diversion, R and R ('rest and relaxation')

Profit And Loss Account

Business / Accounting / Profit And Loss Account: An account made up of revenue and expense accounts which shows the current profit or loss of a business (ie. whether a business has earned more than it has spent in the current year). Often referred t MORE


Science / Genetics / Proband: Individual in a family who brought the family to medical attention. MORE

Profit And Loss Statement

Business / Real Estate / Profit And Loss Statement: A detailed statement of income and expenses of a business that reveals the operating position of the business over a period of time. Commonly referred to a P&L. MORE