Health / Health Insurance / Workers Compensation: A state-mandated insurance program that provides benefits for healthcare costs and lost wages to qualified employees and their dependents if an employee suffers a work-related injury or disease.
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Technology / Home Audio / Loudness Compensation: When played quietly, this switched circuit allows fuller apparent sound from a system such that the tendancy for human hearing sensitivity to drop off at certain frequencies is compensated and the ful MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Mutual Compensation: The concept that carriers must pay when they terminate traffic on the networks of carriers with which they are interconnected. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Older Workers Benefit Protection Act (OWBPA) Of 1990: OWBPA amended the ADEA prohibiting all employers from age discrimination in employee benefits programs by either providing equal benefits for older and younger workers or by spending an equal amount o MORE
Business / Loan / Lender Paid Compensation To Broker: This is also called the Yield Spread Premium. Fee which the lender pays to the mortgage broker for obtaining the loan for his client. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Infrared Compensation Index: Used to compensate the focus for black and white infrared film. Color ir film generally does not require compensation. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Global Compensation: Pay practices relating to employees who are working on assignments in international locations. A service premium and additional incentives are often included in the compensation package to offset diff MORE