Health / Health Insurance / Waiting Period: A period of time when you are not covered by insurance for a particular problem.
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Period Noun Synonyms: interval, time, term, span, duration, spell, space, stretch, while, patch
Health / Dentistry / Elimination Period: This is the period of time between the date the disability begins and the beginning of the benefit payment period. It is the period during which an employee must be disabled before payment of benefits MORE
Health / Dentistry / Periodontal Disease: The inflammation and infection of gums, ligaments, bone, and other tissues surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two main forms of periodontal disease. Also called gum disease or MORE
Health / Dentistry / Periodontal: Relating to the tissue and bone that supports the tooth (from peri, meaning 'around,' and odont, 'tooth'). MORE
Health / Fitness / Periodization: A method of organizing a strength training workout program into several periods, each lasting about four weeks. Each phase has a different emphasis. MORE
Business / Finance / Periodicity: The level of detail in terms of time at which data is forecast or reported, specified as months, quarters, or years. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Periodontal Pocket: An abnormal deepening of the gingival crevice. It is caused when disease and infection destroy the ligament that attaches the gum to the tooth and the underlying bone. MORE