Health / Health Insurance / Usual Customary And Reasonable (UCR): An amount customarily charged for or covered for similar services and supplies which are medically necessary, recommended by a doctor, or required for treatment.
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Customary Adverb Synonyms: usual, normal, conventional, routine, everyday, common, commonplace, ordinary
Reasonable Verb Synonyms: credible, believable, plausible, tenable, reasoned, arguable, well-thought-out, well-grounded
Reasonable Noun Synonyms: sensible, rational, sane, logical, sober, sound, judicious, wise, intelligent, thinking
Reasonable Adjective Synonyms: appropriate, suitable, proper, sensible, right
Usual Adjective Synonyms: same, customary, habitual, accustomed, familiar, well-known, common, everyday, established, traditional, set, time-honoured, old, conventional, workaday, stock, wonted, regular, ordinary, normal, expected, routine, typical, run-of-the-mill, stereotypic(al
Business / Accounting / Property Plant And Equipment Turnover: A measure of how well property, plant, and equipment are being utilized in generating a period's sales: computed by dividing net sales by average property, plant and equipment. MORE
Business / Accounting / Property Plant And Equipment: Tangible, long-lived assets acquired for use in business operations: includes land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and furniture. MORE
Business / Finance / Property, Plant And Equipment (PP and E): Assets used in the operations of a business that have a useful life greater than one year, including land, buildings, machinery, equipment, and furniture. Also known as fixed assets. See also deprecia MORE
Health / Vitamins / Prostaglandin: A hormone-like compound with many affects including effects on the secretion of hormones and enzymes, inflammatory response, blood pressure and blood clotting. MORE
Science / Biology / Prostate Gland: A gland that is located near and empties into the urethra; produces a secretion that enhances sperm viability. Gland involved in the reproductive system in males, the prostate secretes a sperm activat MORE
Science / Biology / Prostaglandins: A class of fatty acids that has many of the properties of hormones; synthesized and secreted by many body tissues and have a variety of effects on nearby cells. MORE