Structural Integration

Health / Health Insurance / Structural Integration: The unification of previously separate providers under common ownership or control.
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Rolfing Structural Integration

Health / Massage / Rolfing Structural Integration: A method to reorder the major body segments, Rolfing was founded by American biochemist Dr. Ida Rolf in the 1940s. Rolfing utilizes physical manipulation and movement awareness to bring head, shoulder MORE

Structural Energetic Therapy

Health / Massage / Structural Energetic Therapy: Developed in 1983, Structural Energetic Therapy (SET) is a deep-tissue, body-restructuring therapy that addresses chronic and acute pain and dysfunction. SET integrates cranial/ structural techniques, MORE

Structural Floor

Business / Construction / Structural Floor: A framed lumber floor that is installed as a basement floor instead of concrete. This is done on very expansive soils. MORE

Soma Neuromuscular Integration

Health / Massage / Soma Neuromuscular Integration: A ten-session system of bodywork, SOMA neuromuscular integration works the fascial network to release chronic, stored structural aberrations; to effectively realign the entire body; and to facilitate MORE

Business Integration

Health / Health Insurance / Business Integration: The unification of one or more separate business (nonclinical) functions into a single function. MORE

Postural Integration

Health / Massage / Postural Integration: Postural integration and energetic integration were developed by Jack Painter in the late 1960s and have spread to Western Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Australia. These approaches focus on the unity of MORE