Health / Health Insurance / Statutory Solvency: An insurer's ability to maintain at least the minimum amount of capital and surplus specified by state insurance regulators.
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Business / Real Estate / Statutory Redemption: The right of a defaulted property owner to recover the property after its sale by paying the appropriate fees and charges. MORE
Business / Finance / Statutory Merger: An investment that a trustee is authorized to make under state law. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Statutory Solvency: An insurer's ability to maintain at least the minimum amount of capital and surplus specified by state insurance regulators. MORE
Business / Finance / Statutory Surplus: A merger in which one corporation remains as a legal entity, instead of a new legal entity being formed. MORE
Business / Finance / Technical Insolvency: Variables that are used to describe the market in terms of patterns in historical data. MORE
Business / Finance / Statutory Voting: The surplus of an insurance company determined by the accounting treatment of both assets and liabilities as established by state statutes. MORE