Standard Community Rating

Health / Health Insurance / Standard Community Rating: A type of community rating in which an MCO considers only community-wide data and establishes the same financial performance goals for all risk classes. Also known as pure community rating.
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Other Words for Standard

Standard Noun Synonyms: criterion, measure, benchmark, model, pattern, archetype, touchstone, yardstick, gauge, guide, guideline, paradigm, paragon, exemplar, example, sample, type, ideal, beau id‚al, rule, canon, law, requirement, precept, principle

Short-Run Operating Activities

Business / Finance / Short-Run Operating Activities: The risk of falling short of any investment target. MORE

Snell Helmet Rating

Technology / Motorcycle / Snell Helmet Rating: The Snell Memorial Foundation rates motorcycle helmets. The rating is based on dropping the helmet containing a simulated head from a height of 10 feet. The 'head' must receive no more than 285 Gs. A MORE

Snell Rating

Technology / Motorcycle / Snell Rating: The non-profit Snell Memorial Foundation was formed in 1957 and is the world?€™s most popular independent motorcycle helmet testing organization. A Snell rating on a helmet, indicated by a sticker MORE

Split Rating

Business / Finance / Split Rating: Block trade printed at two different prices. Often used in dividend rolls to get an average price equal to the dividend. MORE

Separating Aspect

Science / Astrology / Separating Aspect: One in which the significator (faster moving planet of the two in aspect) is moving away from partile (the degree at which the aspect is exact). MORE

Security Ratings

Business / Finance / Security Ratings: Commercial rating agencies' assessment of the credit and investment risk of securities. MORE