Health / Health Insurance / Self-Funded Plan: A health plan under which an employer or other group sponsor, rather than an MCO or insurance company, is financially responsible for paying plan expenses, including claims made by group plan members. Also known as a self-insured plan.
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Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario
Business / Finance / Planned Financing Program: Budgeted or projected ways need for reasons or to obtain short-term and long-term financing as outlined in the corporate financial plan. MORE
Business / Finance / Planned Capital Expenditure Program: Budgeted or projected outlays for major expenditures on permanent or fixed assets as outlined in the corporate financial plan. MORE
Business / Finance / Planned Amortization Class (PAC): (1) The class of CMO that has the most stable cash flows and the lowest prepayment risk of any class of CMO Because of a stable cash flow, it is considered the least risky CMO (2) A CMO bond class tha MORE
Business / Real Estate / Planned Unit Development (PUD): A relatively modern concept in housing designed to produce a high density of dwellings and maximum use of open spaces. This efficient use of land allows greater flexibility for residential land and de MORE
Business / Finance / Planning Horizon: The length of time a model or investor or plan projects into the future. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Plant Quarantine: A technique for insuring disease (and pest) free plants by isolating them during a period while performing tests for latent diseases. Often used when importing new cultivars. MORE