Health / Health Insurance / Reserves: Estimates of money that an insurer needs to pay future business obligations.
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Reserves Noun Synonyms: store, stock, stockpile, inventory, supply, nest egg, reservoir, fund, hoard, cache
Reserves Verb Synonyms: auxiliary, alternate, substitute, reinforcements, backup, spare
Business / Finance / Free Reserves: Implies that distribution services like transport and handling performed on goods up to the customs frontier (of the economy from which the goods are classed as merchandise.) are included in the price MORE
Business / Finance / Excess Reserves: Additional federal taxes placed on the earnings of a business, used only in time of national emergency such as war. MORE
Business / Finance / Draining Reserves: An unconventional order in writing-signed by a person, usually the exporter, and addressed to the importer-ordering the importer or the importer's agent to pay, on demand (sight draft) or at a fixed f MORE
Business / Loan / Loss Reserves: That portion of a fund's earnings or permanent capital designated by the board of directors as a reserve against possible loan losses and, as such, unavailable for lending purposes. Generally accepted MORE
Business / Finance / Borrowed Reserves: Funds borrowed from a Federal Reserve Bank by member banks to maintain the required reserve ratios. MORE
Business / Finance / Required Reserves: The dollar amounts, based on reserve ratios, that banks are required to keep on deposit at a Federal Reserve Bank. MORE