Health / Health Insurance / Relative Value Scale (RVS): A method used by MCOs of determining provider reimbursement that assigns a weighted value to each medical procedure or service. To determine the amount the MCO will pay to the physician, the weighted value is multiplied by a money multiplier. Also known as a relative value of services.
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Relative Noun Synonyms: related, connected, associated, allied, affiliated, interconnected, interrelated, pertinent, relevant, germane, applicable, apropos
Scale Adverb Synonyms: flake, imbrication, scurf, dandruff, squama, plate, scute or scutum, lamina, lamella
Scale Noun Synonyms: coating, encrustation or incrustation, crust, overlay, layer, cake, caking, tartar, plaque
Entertainment / Music / Relative Key: The major and minor key that share the same key signature: for example, D minor is the relative minor of F major, both having one flat. MORE
Science / Weather / Relative Humidity: A type of humidity that considers the ratio of the actual vapor pressure of the air to the saturation vapor pressure. It is usually expressed in percentage. MORE
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Relative Link: A link which shows the relation of the current URL to the URL of the page being linked at. Some links only show relative link paths instead of having the entire reference URL within the a href tag. Du MORE
Entertainment / Music / Relative Major And Minor: The major and minor keys that share the same notes in that key. For example: A minor shares the same note as C major. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Relative Mean Sea Level Change: A local change in mean sea level relative to a network of bench marks established in the most stable and permanent material available (bedrock, if possible) on the land adjacent to the tide station lo MORE
Science / Astrology / Relative Houses: House three, seven, and eleven, ruled naturally by air signs. Function focuses on human relationships. As a group, these houses form the Trinity of Association. MORE