
Health / Health Insurance / Rating: The process of calculating the appropriate premium to charge purchasers, given the degree of risk represented by the individual or group, the expected costs to deliver medical services, and the expected marketability and competitiveness of the MCO's plan.
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Gross Rating Points (GRP)

Technology / Television (TV) / Gross Rating Points (GRP): The sum of individual telecast ratings on a total program basis or advertiser commercial schedule, without regard to duplication. For example, 10 announcements each with a 10 rating would produce a to MORE

Octane Rating

Technology / Aviation / Octane Rating: The rating system of aviation gasoline with regard to its antidetonating qualities. Fuel with an octane rating of 87 is made up of a mixture of 87% isooctane and 13% heptane. MORE

Adjusted Community Rating (ACR)

Health / Health Insurance / Adjusted Community Rating (ACR): A rating method under which a health plan or MCO divides its members into classes or groups based on demographic factors such as geography, family composition, and age, and then charges all members of MORE

Community Rating By Class (CRC)

Health / Health Insurance / Community Rating By Class (CRC): The process of determining premium rates in which a managed care organization categorizes its members into classes or groups based on demographic factors, industry characteristics, or experience and c MORE

Cost-Per-Rating Point (CPP)

Technology / Television (TV) / Cost-Per-Rating Point (CPP): Used by most media planners in developing and allocating market budgets and setting rating point goals. It is defined as the cost of reaching one percent of the target audience within a specified geog MORE

Bogey Rating

Entertainment / Golf / Bogey Rating: Like a course rating but based on the ability of a bogey golfer rather than a scratch golfer (the bogey rating is a number used to calculate the slope rating of a course) MORE