
Health / Health Insurance / Provider: Provider is a term used for health professionals who provide health care services. Sometimes, the term refers only to physicians. Often, however, the term also refers to other health care professionals such as hospitals, nurse practitioners, chiropractors, physical therapists, and others offering specialized health care services.
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Out-Of-Network Provider

Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Network Provider: Any health care provider that does not belong to a CIGNA network. Members can use their benefits for out-of-network expenses, but miss out on in-network discounts. MORE

Provider-Sponsored Organization (PSO)

Health / Health Insurance / Provider-Sponsored Organization (PSO): A healthcare organization?€”established and organized, or operated, by a healthcare provider or a group of affiliated healthcare providers to arrange for the delivery, financing, and administratio MORE

Non-Participating Provider

Health / Dentistry / Non-Participating Provider: A medical provider who has not contracted with a health plan. MORE