Prior Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Prior Authorization: In the context of a pharmacy benefit management (PBM) plan, a program that requires physicians to obtain certification of medical necessity prior to drug dispensing. Also known as a medical-necessity review.
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Other Words for Prior

Prior Noun Synonyms: former, previous, earlier, one-time, ex, erstwhile, old, last, late, latest, quondam, whilom

Priority Modes

Technology / Digital Cameras / Priority Modes: Aperture and shutter speed priority modes are a shortcut to easy exposure adjustment. To set exposure manually, you would need to adjust aperture and shutter speed settings separately. With priority m MORE

Proper Authorization

Business / Accounting / Proper Authorization: Policy regarding either a general class of transactions such as inventory or a specific transaction to achieve control objectives. MORE

Prospective Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Prospective Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is issued before any service is rendered. Also known as precertification. MORE

Priority Dates

Lifestyle / College / Priority Dates: Priority Dates are the dates by which you need to have your file completed in order to get financial aid before the fee-payment deadline. MORE


Business / Finance / Priority: Used for listed equity securities. System used in an auction market, in which the first bid or offer price is executed before other bid and offer prices, even if subsequent orders are larger. NYSE rul MORE

Prior-Period Adjustments

Business / Accounting / Prior-Period Adjustments: Adjustments made directly to Retained Earnings in order to correct errors in the financial statements of prior periods. MORE