Health / Health Insurance / Primary Source Verification: A process through which an organization validates credentialing information from the organization that originally conferred or issued the credentialing element to the practitioner.
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Primary Adverb Synonyms: first, prime, principal, chief, main, leading, pre-eminent, cardinal, fundamental, basic, essential, predominant, elementary, elemental, underlying
Primary Adjective Synonyms: firsthand, direct, immediate
Source Adjective Synonyms: fountain-head, well-spring, origin, provenance, provenience, inception, start, outset, beginning, root(s), commencement, rise
Science / Biology / Primary Root: The first root formed by a plant. MORE
Science / Geology / Primary Seismic Waves: The fastest set of earthquake vibrations - also known as P-waves. They move through the Earth in compression and expansion motions (much like sound waves move through air). Called primary because they MORE
Science / Geology / Primary Recovery: Any crude oil or natural gas that is recovered from a well as a result of the natural pressure within the reservoir. MORE
Technology / Radar / Primary Radar: Primary radar systems receive reflections of their own transmitted signals as returned signals from the target. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Primary Production: The production of living matter by photosynthesizing organisms or by chemosynthesizing organisms. Usually expressed as grams of carbon per square meter per year MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Primary Source: Literary scholars distinguish between primary sources, secondary sources, and educational resources. Students should also. To understand the difference, click here. MORE