Preferred Provider Arrangement (PPA)

Health / Health Insurance / Preferred Provider Arrangement (PPA): As defined in state laws, a contract between a healthcare insurer and a healthcare provider or group of providers who agree to provide services to persons covered under the contract. Examples include preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and exclusive provider organizations (EPOs).
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Other Words for Arrangement

Arrangement Noun Synonyms: order, disposition, grouping, organization, array, display, structure, structuring, ordering, alignment, line-up, set-up

Preferred Provider Arrangement (PPA)

Health / Health Insurance / Preferred Provider Arrangement (PPA): As defined in state laws, a contract between a healthcare insurer and a healthcare provider or group of providers who agree to provide services to persons covered under the contract. Examples include MORE

Preferred Orientation

Science / Geology / Preferred Orientation: Any deviation from randomness in the distribution of the crystallographic or grain shape axes of minerals of a rock (including flow cleavage and foliation), produced by deformation and non-uniform str MORE

Preferred Lies

Entertainment / Golf / Preferred Lies: (also 'improved lies, winter rules, bumping it') a local rule under which a player can improve his lie without penalty MORE

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

Health / Health Insurance / Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): A healthcare benefit arrangement designed to supply services at a discounted cost by providing incentives for members to use designated healthcare providers (who contract with the PPO at a discount), MORE

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan

Health / Dentistry / Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) Plan: A specific type of CIGNA health plan with a national network of physicians. Plan members can visit physicians both in and out of the network, and can visit specialists without a referral. Members don' MORE

Preferred Reading

Technology / Television (TV) / Preferred Reading: In cultural studies, the interpretation of the text that is stressed by the text itself. Marxists presume this reading to align with the dominant ideology. MORE