Health / Health Insurance / Pended: A claims term that refers to a situation in which it is not known whether an authorization has or will be issued for delivery of a healthcare service, and the case has been set aside for review.
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Business / Finance / Suspended Trading: A Eurobond issued by a Japanese corporation. MORE
Science / Geology / Suspended Load: The fine sediment kept suspended in a stream because the settling velocity is lower than the upward velocity of eddies. MORE
Business / Construction / Suspended Ceiling: A ceiling system supported by hanging it from the overhead structural framing. MORE
Health / Dentistry / Pended Claim: Claims that require additional information prior to completing the adjudication process due to a specific reason code. MORE
Technology / Motors / Hysteresis Loss: The resistance offered by materials to becoming magnetized (magnetic orientation of molecular structure) results in energy being expended and corresponding loss. Hysteresis loss in a magnetic circuit MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Spine Frame: A motorcycle frame with a single main structural member from which the engine is suspended. Also known as a backbone frame. MORE