Health / Health Insurance / Open Formulary: The provision that drugs on the preferred list and those not on the preferred list will both be covered by a PBM or MCO.
Search Google for Open Formulary:
Open Verb Synonyms: unblock, clear, unobstruct, unclog, unstop
Open Adjective Synonyms: ajar, gaping, agape, unfastened, unlocked, unbarred, unbolted, unlatched, unclosed
Lifestyle / Travel / Open Ticket: Ticket that is valid for transportation between certain points but indicates no specific reservation. MORE
Business / Accounting / Open Transaction: A transaction that is not completed at the end of the accounting period: a purchase that has not yet been paid for or a sale where payment is yet to be collected when the accounting period ends. MORE
Technology / Computers / Open Systems Interconnection (OSI): A reference model developed by the International Organization of Standardization. It splits networking into seven layers which provide specific services and communications standards. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Open System: A system that can be adjusted for new functions or purposes, and hence produce new and unpredicted results. Human language is an example of an open system. To a lesser extent, so is XML code (extensib MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Open Syllable: Any syllable ending in a vowel, like the word tree. MORE