Managed Indemnity Plans

Health / Health Insurance / Managed Indemnity Plans: Health insurance plans that are administered like traditional indemnity plans but which include managed care 'overlays' such as precertification and other utilization review techniques.
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Other Words for Indemnity

Indemnity Adjective Synonyms: compensation, repayment, reimbursement, remuneration, recompense, consideration, restitution, reparation(s), redress, indemnification, return, quid pro quo, restoration, award, reward, payment, disbursement, amends, requital, atonement, reckoning
Indemnity Noun Synonyms: insurance, protection, security, safety, guarantee, assurance, underwriting, warrant, endorsement, certification, exemption, impunity, privilege

Managed Float

Business / Finance / Managed Float: Also known as 'dirty' float, this is a system of floating exchange rates with central bank intervention to reduce currency fluctuations. MORE

Managed Indemnity Plans

Health / Health Insurance / Managed Indemnity Plans: Health insurance plans that are administered like traditional indemnity plans but which include managed care 'overlays' such as precertification and other utilization review techniques. MORE

Managed Dental Care

Health / Health Insurance / Managed Dental Care: Any dental plan offered by an organization that provides a benefit plan that differs from a traditional fee-for-service plan. MORE

Managed Care Organization (MCO)

Health / Health Insurance / Managed Care Organization (MCO): Any entity that utilizes certain concepts or techniques to manage the accessibility, cost, and quality of healthcare. Also known as a managed care plan. MORE

Managed Care

Health / Dentistry / Managed Care: A system of health care delivery that manages the cost of health care and access to health care providers. MORE

Noninsured Plans

Business / Finance / Noninsured Plans: Defined benefit pension plans that are not guaranteed by life insurance products. Related: Insured plans. MORE