Health / Health Insurance / LOS: LOS refers to the length of stay. It is a term used by insurance companies, case managers and/or employers to describe the amount of time an individual stays in a hospital or in-patient facility.
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Individual Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Individual Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits for claims on an individual that exceed a stated amount in a given period. Also known as specific stop-loss coverage. MORE


Business / Accounting / Losses: Costs that provide no benefit to an organization. MORE

Closing Price

Business / Finance / Closing Price: All the expenses involved in transferring ownership of real estate. MORE

Aggregate Stop-Loss Coverage

Health / Health Insurance / Aggregate Stop-Loss Coverage: A type of stop-loss insurance that provides benefits when a group's total claims during a specified period exceed a stated amount. MORE

Real Gain Or Loss

Business / Finance / Real Gain Or Loss: A gain or loss adjusted for increasing prices by an inflation index such as the CPI. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Isogloss: When linguists create maps showing where dialects are spoken, the isoglosses would be the boundary lines they draw. These isoglosses chart where a particular linguistic feature appears or does not app MORE