Health / Health Insurance / Independent Agents: Agents that represent the products of several health plans or insurers.
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Independent Adjective Synonyms: self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-assured, (self-)confident, bold, individualistic, competent
Independent Noun Synonyms: free, self-governing, autonomous, sovereign
Technology / Television (TV) / Independent Station: Stations not affiliated with any network, usually refers to commercial stations only. MORE
Lifestyle / College / Independent Study: A course of study designed by a student and a sponsoring faculty member or teacher. The student works independently on the project and material throughout the term, continually consulting with the ins MORE
Business / Finance / Independent Project: NYSE member who executes orders for floor brokers and firms other than its own. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Independent Practice Associations: IPAs are similar to HMOs, except that individuals receive care in a physician's own office, rather than in an HMO facility. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Independent Practice Association (IPA): An organization comprised of individual physicians or physicians in small group practices that contracts with MCOs on behalf of its member physicians to provide healthcare services. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Independent Telephone Network (ITN): Companies not affiliated with the local telephone companies. MORE