Health / Health Insurance / Indemnity Health Plan: Indemnity health insurance plans are also called 'fee-for-service.' These are the types of plans that primarily existed before the rise of HMOs, IPAs, and PPOs. With indemnity plans, the individual pays a pre-determined percentage of the cost of health care services, and the insurance company (or self-insured employer) pays the other percentage. For example, an individual might pay 20 percent for services and the insurance company pays 80 percent. The fees for services are defined by the providers and vary from physician to physician. Indemnity health plans offer individuals the freedom to choose their health care professionals.
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Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution
Indemnity Noun Synonyms: insurance, protection, security, safety, guarantee, assurance, underwriting, warrant, endorsement, certification, exemption, impunity, privilege
Indemnity Adjective Synonyms: compensation, repayment, reimbursement, remuneration, recompense, consideration, restitution, reparation(s), redress, indemnification, return, quid pro quo, restoration, award, reward, payment, disbursement, amends, requital, atonement, reckoning
Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario
Health / Yoga / Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana): A lying pose. Lie straight upside down. Bend elbows and place your palms on the floor at either side of your chest. Raise your body weight off the floor by pushing up with your palms and toes. MORE
Science / Astrology / Planets: As used in Astrology, this refers to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Earth is excluded, as it is our point of reference. In general, it is a major body MORE
Science / Astrology / Planetary Patterns: Used interchangeably with shaping. Sometimes equated with aspect patterns. See also shaping, Bowl, Bucket, Bundle, Locomotive, See-Saw, Splash, Splay. MORE