Health / Health Insurance / In-Network: Providers or health care facilities which are part of a health plan's network of providers with which it has negoiated a discount. Insured individuals usually pay less when using an in-network provider, because those networks provide services at lower cost to the insurance companies with which they have contracts.
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Health / Dentistry / In-Network Provider: Any health care provider (physician, hospital, etc.) that belongs to a CIGNA network. Staying in-network gives members the advantage of significant discounts, helping to stretch their account dollars MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Dental Point Of Service (Dental POS) Option: A dental service plan that allows a member to use either a DHMO network dentist or to seek care from a dentist not in the HMO network. Members choose in-network care or out-of-network care at the time MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Open Access: A provision that specifies that plan members may self-refer to a specialist, either in-network or out-of-network, at full benefit or at a reduced benefit, without first obtaining a referral from a pri MORE