Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

Health / Health Insurance / Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): A healthcare system that assumes or shares both the financial risks and the delivery risks associated with providing comprehensive medical services to a voluntarily enrolled population in a particular geographic area, usually in return for a fixed, prepaid fee.
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Other Words for Health

Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution

Other Words for Maintenance

Maintenance Verb Synonyms: upkeep, care, preservation, conservation, support, sustention, sustentation
Maintenance Noun Synonyms: upkeep, livelihood, subsistence, support, allowance, living, sustenance, stipend, subvention, contribution, alimony, keep

Other Words for Organization

Organization Noun Synonyms: structure, pattern, configuration, design, plan, scheme, order, system, organism, composition, arrangement, constitution, make-up, grouping, framework, format, form, shape
Organization Adjective Synonyms: organizing, structuring, assembling, assembly, putting together, coordination, systematizing, systematization, classifying, classification, categorizing, categorization, codifying, codification

High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

Business / Taxes / High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP): A high deductible health plan (HDHP) requires substantially higher than average out-of-pocket expenses before the insurance company will start paying for your medical expenses. However, the premiums f MORE

Organization Planning

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organization Planning: The process of transforming an organization?€™s goals, objectives, philosophy and mission into practices and policies. MORE

Organizational Behavior Modification Theory

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organizational Behavior Modification Theory: A motivational theory suggesting that an individual will behave in a manner that helps him or her avoid potential negative outcomes and achieve agreeable outcomes. MORE

Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

Business / Finance / Organization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC): A cartel of oil-producing countries. MORE

Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD)

Business / Agriculture / Organization For Economic Development And Cooperation (OECD): An international organization established by the United States, Canada and certain Western European countries in 1960. The OECD studies and discusses trade and related matters. Its current 29 members MORE

Organization Culture

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Organization Culture: An organization?€™s attitude and values regarding itself, employees, customers and the general public. It encompasses the manner things are done within the organization based on defined policies a MORE