Health Care Quality Improvement Program (HCQIP)

Health / Health Insurance / Health Care Quality Improvement Program (HCQIP): A program, established by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, that seeks to improve the quality of care provided to Medicare beneficiaries by requiring Medicare+Choice coordinated care plans to undergo periodic quality review by a peer review organization.
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Other Words for Care

Care Noun Synonyms: anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation
Care Verb Synonyms: be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, mind

Other Words for Health

Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution

Other Words for Improvement

Improvement Noun Synonyms: advance, change for the better
Improvement Verb Synonyms: betterment, amelioration, reform, rehabilitation, upgrading, enhancement, repair

Other Words for Program

Program Verb Synonyms: performance, production, show, presentation, (radio or television) play, telecast, broadcast, recital, concert
Program Noun Synonyms: schedule, plan, scheme, agenda, order of the day, routine, protocol, slate, list, listing, description, outline, abstract, , calendar, menu, bill of fare, curriculum, syllabus, synopsis, summary, prospectus

Other Words for Quality

Quality Verb Synonyms: property, attribute, characteristic, mark, distinction, je ne sais quoi, trait

Pesticide Recordkeeping Program (PRP)

Business / Agriculture / Pesticide Recordkeeping Program (PRP): Authorized by the FACT Act of 1990, the program requires that private pesticide applicators keep records of the pesticides they use in agricultural production and that the records be surveyed to provi MORE

Pesticide Data Program (PDP)

Business / Agriculture / Pesticide Data Program (PDP): A program initiated in 1991 by the Agricultural Marketing Service to collect pesticide residue data on selected food commodities, primarily fruits and vegetables. PDP data are used by the Environmenta MORE

Performance Improvement Plan

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Peanut Price Support Program

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Phase Inequality

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Picaresque Narrative

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