Health / Health Insurance / Health Care Decision Counseling: Services, sometimes provided by insurance companies or employers, that help individuals weigh the benefits, risks and costs of medical tests and treatments. Unlike case management, health care decision counseling is non-judgmental. The goal of health care decision counseling is to help individuals make more informed choices about their health and medical care needs, and to help them make decisions that are right for the individual's unique set of circumstances.
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Care Verb Synonyms: be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, mind
Care Noun Synonyms: anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation
Decision Noun Synonyms: judgment, conclusion, resolution, verdict, sentence, ruling, finding, decree, settlement, outcome
Decision Verb Synonyms: settlement, determination, resolution, settling, resolving, arbitration
Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution
Health / Dentistry / Medicare Part D: A prescription drug benefit for Medicare-eligible seniors and disabled persons. It was established as part of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act (MMA) that President Bus MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Medicare Supplement: A private medical expense insurance plan that supplements Medicare coverage. Also known as a Medigap policy. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Mental Health Parity Act (MHPA): A federal act which prohibits group health plans that offer mental health benefits from applying more restrictive limits on coverage for mental illness than for physical illness. MORE