Health / Health Insurance / Geographic Accessibility: Health plan accessibility, generally determined by drive time or number of primary care providers in a service area.
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Business / Human Resources (HR) / Geographical Differential: The variance in pay established for same or comparable jobs based on variations in labor and costs of living among other geographic regions. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Geographical Dialect: (also called a regional dialect) A dialect that appears primarily in a geographic area, as opposed to a dialect that appears primarily in an ethnic group or social caste. MORE
Science / Astrology / Latitude, Geographic: Angular distance measured on Earth north or south of the equator. MORE
Science / Astrology / Longitude, Geographical Or Terrestrial: The distance in arc a given point on Earth lies east or west of the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England (0?° longitude). Geographical longitude is measured from 0?° to 180?°. Se MORE
Science / Geology / Paleogeographic Map: A map that shows the distribution of sedimentary environments at a specific time in the past. These maps are made by studying the rock record to correlate rock units that were deposited at the same ti MORE
Business / Real Estate / Nongeographic Farming: Farming/prospecting a particular segment of the market such as an ethinic group or nationality, as opposed to a geographic area. MORE