Health / Health Insurance / Generic Drug: A 'twin' to a 'brand name drug' once the brand name company's patent has run out and other drug companies are allowed to sell a duplicate of the original. Generic drugs are cheaper, and most prescription and health plans reward clients for choosing generics.
Search Google for Generic Drug:
Drug Noun Synonyms: medication, medicine, medicament, pharmaceutical, remedy, cure, treatment, cure-all, panacea
Drug Verb Synonyms: anaesthetize, dope, deaden, knock out, sedate, stupefy, numb, benumb, dull, narcotize, poison, slip (someone) a Mickey (Finn)
Business / Agriculture / Generic Certificates: Commodity certificates used by the CCC in the 1980s to meet payment obligations and simultaneously dispose of commodity inventories. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Generic Advertising And Promotion: The promotion of a particular commodity without reference to a specific producer, brand name, or manufacturer. Because individual producers of nearly homogeneous agricultural commodities cannot easily MORE
Business / Finance / Generic: A trust in which a principal amount is placed in a trust on the death of person A and is transferred to A's grandchildren when A's children die. The income from the trust goes to the children of perso MORE
Health / Dentistry / Generic Drug: A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand-name drug. A generic drug is known only by its formula name and its formula is available to any pharmaceutical company. Gener MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Generic Substitution: The dispensing of a drug that is the generic equivalent of a drug listed on a pharmacy benefit management plan's formulary. In most cases, generic substitution can be performed without physician appro MORE
Life Style / Wine / Semi-Generic: Wines made in the United States but named after places that the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau requires be modified by a US name of geographic origin. Examples would be New York Chablis, Nap MORE