Health / Health Insurance / Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP): A voluntary health insurance program administered by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for federal employees, retirees, and their dependents and survivors.
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Benefits Noun Synonyms: perquisite(s), emolument(s), allowance(s), extra(s), fringe benefit(s), perk(s)
Employee Adjective Synonyms: worker, staff member, wage-earner, hand
Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution
Program Verb Synonyms: performance, production, show, presentation, (radio or television) play, telecast, broadcast, recital, concert
Program Noun Synonyms: schedule, plan, scheme, agenda, order of the day, routine, protocol, slate, list, listing, description, outline, abstract, , calendar, menu, bill of fare, curriculum, syllabus, synopsis, summary, prospectus
Business / Agriculture / National Farm Program Acreage: The number of harvested acres of feed grains, wheat, and cotton needed nationally to meet domestic and export use and to accomplish any desired increase or decrease in carryover levels. The acreage ba MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Estuary Program: A program established under the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 to develop and implement conservation and management plans for protecting estuaries and restoring and maintaining their chemical, phy MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Multichannel Video Programming Distributors (MVPDS): A multichannel video program distributor is an entity such as a cable operator, a BRS/EBS provider, a direct broadcast satellite service, a television receive-only satellite program distributor, or a MORE
Business / Agriculture / Mohair Recourse Loan Program: A program authorized by the emergency provisions of the FY1999 USDA appropriations act (P.L. 105-277, October 21, 1998) that makes interest-free recourse loans of $2.00 per pound on mohair produced pr MORE
Health / Massage / National Institutes of Health (NIH): The NIH is an important U.S. health agency. It is devoted to medical research. Administratively under the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH consists of 20-some separate Institutes MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Milk Laboratory Certification Program: Under a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments, the Food and Drug Administration conducts a national certification program for state centralized laborato MORE