
Health / Health Insurance / Experience: The actual cost of providing healthcare to a group during a given period of coverage.
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Other Words for Experience

Experience Adjective Synonyms: incident, event, happening, affair, episode, occurrence, circumstance, adventure, encounter, trial, test, ordeal
Experience Noun Synonyms: knowledge, contact, involvement, practice, familiarity, acquaintance, exposure, participation, observation

Experience Points

Entertainment / Video Games / Experience Points: In role-playing games or adventures, 'experience points' (often abbreviated to XP) are awarded for successfully completing tasks, or being victorious in combat. The accumulation of these points is usu MORE

Experience Rating

Business / Finance / Experience Rating: Resources used to support the ongoing operations of a business for a specified time period; not equivalent to expenditures or costs. MORE

FHA Prepayment Experience

Business / Finance / FHA Prepayment Experience: A wire transfer system for high-value payments operated by the Federal Reserve System. MORE


Health / Massage / Ohashiatsu: Ohashiatsu is a method of bodywork offering both giver and receiver a complete experience of self-development and healing. Combining Eastern healing philosophy and techniques with psychological and sp MORE

Nuat Thai

Health / Massage / Nuat Thai: This form of traditional Thai medical massage originated in the Vajrayana Yogic medicine of Tibet. Translated and creatively adapted to the needs of the modern West by Anthony B. James, phd, Nuat Thai MORE

Huna Kane

Health / Massage / Huna Kane: This Hawaiian technique espouses that emotions and experiences are trapped in the fibers of each muscle group and organ in the body. Through a rhythmic massage technique where the practitioner ?€?da MORE