Health / Health Insurance / Experience: The actual cost of providing healthcare to a group during a given period of coverage.
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Experience Adjective Synonyms: incident, event, happening, affair, episode, occurrence, circumstance, adventure, encounter, trial, test, ordeal
Experience Noun Synonyms: knowledge, contact, involvement, practice, familiarity, acquaintance, exposure, participation, observation
Entertainment / Video Games / Experience Points: In role-playing games or adventures, 'experience points' (often abbreviated to XP) are awarded for successfully completing tasks, or being victorious in combat. The accumulation of these points is usu MORE
Business / Finance / Experience Rating: Resources used to support the ongoing operations of a business for a specified time period; not equivalent to expenditures or costs. MORE
Business / Finance / FHA Prepayment Experience: A wire transfer system for high-value payments operated by the Federal Reserve System. MORE
Health / Massage / Ohashiatsu: Ohashiatsu is a method of bodywork offering both giver and receiver a complete experience of self-development and healing. Combining Eastern healing philosophy and techniques with psychological and sp MORE