Health / Health Insurance / Employment-Model IDS: An IDS that generally owns or is affiliated with a hospital and establishes or purchases physician practices and retains the physicians as employees.
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Science / Biology / Plasmids: Self-replicating, circular DNA molecules found in bacterial cells; often used as vectors in recombinant DNA technology. Small circles of double-stranded DNA found in some bacteria. Plasmids can carry MORE
Science / Biology / Phospholipids: Asymmetrical lipid molecules with a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. Lipids with a phosphate group in place of one of the three fatty acid chains. Phospholipids are the building blocks of cell MORE
Science / Biology / Plastids: Membrane-bound organelles in plant cells that function in storage (of food or pigments) or food production. Term for any double membrane-bound organelle. Chloroplasts contain the chemicals for photosy MORE
Science / Biology / Proteinoids: Polymers of amino acids formed spontaneously from inorganic molecules; have enzyme-like properties and can catalyze chemical reactions. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Raids: A term used primarily in online games such as World of Warcraft, and it describes a large group of players working together in smaller parties to achieve specific goals. MORE
Health / Vitamins / Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fatty acids which may have health benefits including protection against heart disease, asthma, cancer, arthritis and other disorders. MORE