Early And Periodic Screening Diagnostic And Treatment (EPSDT) Services

Health / Health Insurance / Early And Periodic Screening Diagnostic And Treatment (EPSDT) Services: Services, including screening, vision, hearing, and dental services, provided under Medicaid to children under age 21 at intervals which meet recognized standards of medical and dental practices and at other intervals as necessary in order to determine the existence of physical or mental illnesses or conditions. Plans offering Medicaid coverage to EPSDT participants must provide any service that is necessary to treat an illness or condition that is identified by screening.
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Other Words for Early

Early Adverb Synonyms: anciently, initially, originally, at or near the start or beginning
Early Adjective Synonyms: initial, beginning, original, first, pioneer, advanced
Early Noun Synonyms: beforehand, ahead (of time), prematurely

Other Words for Periodic

Periodic Noun Synonyms: periodical, intermittent, regular, recurrent, repetitive, iterative, cyclic(al), repeated, episodic, sporadic, occasional

Other Words for Services

Services Noun Synonyms: army, navy, air force, marines, armed forces or services, military

Other Words for Treatment

Treatment Verb Synonyms: therapy, care, curing, remedying, healing

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