Health / Health Insurance / Drive Time: A measure of geographic accessibility determined by how long members in the plan's service area have to drive to reach a primary care provider.
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Drive Noun Synonyms: push, propel, impel, urge, press, thrust, move, motivate, actuate, prod, spur, goad, urge, force, make, compel, coerce, constrain, oblige, pressure or pressurize, high-pressure, induce, require, demand
Drive Verb Synonyms: stab, plunge, thrust, sink, push, send, dig, ram
Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch
Lifestyle / Travel / Sailing Time: The actual hour at which the ship is scheduled to clear the dock and sail. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Screen Time: The duration of a program--which is normally shorter than the time represented in the program's narrative (that is, its story time). E.g., the story time of one soap opera episode is typically a day o MORE
Lifestyle / Travel / Self-Drive: A rental car (british term). MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Self-Timer: A setting that allows a lapse between pressing the shutter button and firing of the camera. MORE
Technology / Programming / Run-Time Error: an error that does not disrupt compiling, but causes your program to abort with an error message when running, e.g., 'segmentation fault' and 'floating point exception' MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Ribbon Driver: The ribbon tweeter driver is a very thin corrugated aluminum 'voice coil' hanging freely like a streamer in a side-by-side magnetic field. A ribbon is actually a type of dynamic driver, in which the v MORE