Dental Preferred Provider Organization (Dental PPO)

Health / Health Insurance / Dental Preferred Provider Organization (Dental PPO): An organization that provides dental care to its members through a network of dentists who offer discounted fees to the plan members.
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Other Words for Organization

Organization Noun Synonyms: structure, pattern, configuration, design, plan, scheme, order, system, organism, composition, arrangement, constitution, make-up, grouping, framework, format, form, shape
Organization Adjective Synonyms: organizing, structuring, assembling, assembly, putting together, coordination, systematizing, systematization, classifying, classification, categorizing, categorization, codifying, codification

Peer Review Organizations (Pros)

Health / Health Insurance / Peer Review Organizations (Pros): According to the Balanced Budget Act of 1997, organizations or groups of practicing physicians and other healthcare professionals paid by the federal government to review and evaluate the services pro MORE

Physician-Hospital Organization (PHO)

Health / Health Insurance / Physician-Hospital Organization (PHO): A joint venture between a hospital and many or all of its admitting physicians whose primary purpose is contract negotiations with MCOs and marketing. MORE

Participating Provider

Health / Dentistry / Participating Provider: A physician, hospital, pharmacy, laboratory or other appropriately licensed facility or provider of health care services or supplies that has entered into an agreement with a managed care entity to pr MORE

Participating Preferred Stock

Business / Finance / Participating Preferred Stock: Preferred stock that provides the holder with a specified dividend plus the right to additional earnings under specified conditions. MORE

Out-Of-Network Provider

Health / Dentistry / Out-Of-Network Provider: Any health care provider that does not belong to a CIGNA network. Members can use their benefits for out-of-network expenses, but miss out on in-network discounts. MORE

Participating Convertible Preferred Stock

Business / Finance / Participating Convertible Preferred Stock: Preferred stock that can be converted into common stock at the option of the holder. In contrast, to the usual preferred stock, the value of the preferred stock is refunded to the holder. That is, one MORE