Health / Health Insurance / Concurrent Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is generated at the time the service is rendered.
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Health / Health Insurance / Prospective Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is issued before any service is rendered. Also known as precertification. MORE
Business / Accounting / Proper Authorization: Policy regarding either a general class of transactions such as inventory or a specific transaction to achieve control objectives. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Prior Authorization: In the context of a pharmacy benefit management (PBM) plan, a program that requires physicians to obtain certification of medical necessity prior to drug dispensing. Also known as a medical-necessity MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Retrospective Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is granted after service has been rendered. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Subauthorization: The authorization of one healthcare service concurrently with the authorization of another service. For example, an authorization for hospitalization may cover surgery, anesthesia, pathology, and radi MORE
Business / Agriculture / William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act Of 1998: This law (enacted as P.L. 105-336: October 31, 1998) extended expiring authorizations for child nutrition and commodity assistance programs, and the WIC program, through FY2003. It also made modest re MORE