Concurrent Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Concurrent Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is generated at the time the service is rendered.
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Prospective Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Prospective Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is issued before any service is rendered. Also known as precertification. MORE

Proper Authorization

Business / Accounting / Proper Authorization: Policy regarding either a general class of transactions such as inventory or a specific transaction to achieve control objectives. MORE

Prior Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Prior Authorization: In the context of a pharmacy benefit management (PBM) plan, a program that requires physicians to obtain certification of medical necessity prior to drug dispensing. Also known as a medical-necessity MORE

Retrospective Authorization

Health / Health Insurance / Retrospective Authorization: Authorization to deliver healthcare service that is granted after service has been rendered. MORE


Health / Health Insurance / Subauthorization: The authorization of one healthcare service concurrently with the authorization of another service. For example, an authorization for hospitalization may cover surgery, anesthesia, pathology, and radi MORE

William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act Of 1998

Business / Agriculture / William F. Goodling Child Nutrition Reauthorization Act Of 1998: This law (enacted as P.L. 105-336: October 31, 1998) extended expiring authorizations for child nutrition and commodity assistance programs, and the WIC program, through FY2003. It also made modest re MORE