Health / Health Insurance / Competitive Medical Plan (CMP): A federal designation that allows a health plan to enter into a Medicare risk contract without having to obtain federal qualification as an HMO.
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Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario
Technology / Motorcycle / Planetary Gear: A gear system that consists of one or more outer gears (or planet gears), rotating about a central gear (or sun gear). Planet gears are often mounted on a movable arm or carrier which also may rotate MORE
Science / Astrology / Planet: From the Greek planetes, wanderer; used astrologically to describe any heavenly body which when viewed from Earth appears to move, as distinguished from fixed stars. MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Plane: (also 'swing plane') most easily visualized as the plane that the shaft of the club or the clubhead's arc describes during the swing MORE
Science / Chemistry / Plancks Constant: A proportionality constant that relates the energy carried by a photon to its frequency. Planck's constant has a value of 6.6262 ?— 10-34 J s. MORE
Science / Astrology / Planetary Hours: A system devised by ancient astrologers that assigned one of the seven planets then known to each hour of the day. The first hour of sunrise was ruled by the planetary day ruler (Sunday, Sun; Monday, MORE
Science / Astrology / Planetary Node: The point at which a planet's path intersects the ecliptic; declination, 0?°. The term is usually reserved for nodes other than the Moon's Nodes. MORE