Health / Health Insurance / Community Rating By Class (CRC): The process of determining premium rates in which a managed care organization categorizes its members into classes or groups based on demographic factors, industry characteristics, or experience and charges the same premium to all members of the same class or group. See adjusted community rating (ACR).
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By Preposition Synonyms: near, beside, next to, close to, alongside
By Adverb Synonyms: past, nearby
Class Noun Synonyms: rank, grade, level, order, stratum, caste, lineage, birth, pedigree, stock, extraction, descent
Class Verb Synonyms: classify, group, arrange, assort, type, categorize, rank, grade, rate, order
Business / Finance / Non-Operating Income: Income not related to the ongoing operations of a company; for example, interest income and sale of fixed assets. MORE
Business / Finance / Non-Operating Expense: Expenses not related to the ongoing operations of a company; for example, interest expense, one-time events, and taxes. MORE
Science / Geology / Non-Operating Interest: A mineral lease interest that does not involve the rights and responsibilities of exploration, development, or production. A royalty interest is a non-operating interest. MORE