Health / Health Insurance / Community Rating: A rating method that sets premiums for financing medical care according to the health plan's expected costs of providing medical benefits to the community as a whole rather than to any sub-group within the community. Both low-risk and high-risk classes are factored into community rating, which spreads the expected medical care costs across the entire community.
Search Google for Community Rating:
Health / Health Insurance / Community Rating By Class (CRC): The process of determining premium rates in which a managed care organization categorizes its members into classes or groups based on demographic factors, industry characteristics, or experience and c MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Adjusted Community Rating (ACR): A rating method under which a health plan or MCO divides its members into classes or groups based on demographic factors such as geography, family composition, and age, and then charges all members of MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Standard Community Rating: A type of community rating in which an MCO considers only community-wide data and establishes the same financial performance goals for all risk classes. Also known as pure community rating. MORE