Health / Health Insurance / Claims Examiners: Employees in the claims administration department who consider all the information pertinent to a claim and make decisions about the MCO's payment of the claim. Also known as claims analysts.
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Health / Health Insurance / Claims Supervisors: Employees in the claims administration department who oversee the work of several claims examiners. MORE
Business / Finance / Marketed Claims: Claims that can be bought and sold in financial markets, such as those of stockholders and bondholders. MORE
Business / Finance / Nonmarketed Claims: Claims that cannot be easily bought and sold in the financial markets, such as those of the government and litigants in lawsuits. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Claims Investigation: The process of obtaining all the information necessary to determine the appropriate amount to pay on a given claim. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Claims Examiners: Employees in the claims administration department who consider all the information pertinent to a claim and make decisions about the MCO's payment of the claim. Also known as claims analysts. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Claims Administration: The process of receiving, reviewing, adjudicating, and processing claims. MORE