Health / Health Insurance / Claims Administration: The process of receiving, reviewing, adjudicating, and processing claims.
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Administration Noun Synonyms: management, direction, conduct, supervision, oversight, superintendence, regulation, charge
Health / Health Insurance / Claims Examiners: Employees in the claims administration department who consider all the information pertinent to a claim and make decisions about the MCO's payment of the claim. Also known as claims analysts. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Claims Supervisors: Employees in the claims administration department who oversee the work of several claims examiners. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Occupational Safety And Health Administration: A Department of Labor office responsible for overseeing and assuring the safety and health of America's workers by setting and enforcing standards; providing training, outreach and education; establis MORE
Business / Agriculture / Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA): The U.S. Department of Labor agency responsible for administering the Occupational Safety and Health Act (P.L. 91-596). According to OSHA, farming is the nation?€™s most hazardous occupation. Agri MORE
Business / Finance / Nonmarketed Claims: Claims that cannot be easily bought and sold in the financial markets, such as those of the government and litigants in lawsuits. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA): The federal government's executive branch advisory committee for telecommunications. MORE