Health / Health Insurance / Childrens Health Insurance Program (CHIP): A program, established by the Balanced Budget Act, designed to provide health assistance to uninsured, low-income children either through separate programs or through expanded eligibility under state Medicaid programs.
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Health Verb Synonyms: condition, fitness, trim, fettle, form, constitution
Insurance Verb Synonyms: assurance, surety, indemnity, indemnification, guarantee or guaranty, warranty, bond, security, protection, cover
Program Noun Synonyms: schedule, plan, scheme, agenda, order of the day, routine, protocol, slate, list, listing, description, outline, abstract, , calendar, menu, bill of fare, curriculum, syllabus, synopsis, summary, prospectus
Program Verb Synonyms: performance, production, show, presentation, (radio or television) play, telecast, broadcast, recital, concert
Business / Agriculture / Noninsured Assistance Program (NAP): Producers who grow a crop that is currently not eligible for crop insurance may be eligible for a direct payment under the Farm Service Agency?€™s noninsured assistance program (NAP). NAP has perm MORE
Business / Agriculture / Non-Program Crops: Any agricultural commodity not covered by federal commodity programs. Program crops are wheat, corn, barley, grain sorghum, oats, upland cotton, and rice. MORE
Health / Disease / No Public Health Hazard: A category used in ATSDR's public health assessment documents for sites where people have never and will never come into contact with harmful amounts of site-related substances. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Newborns And Mothers Health Protection Act (NMHPA) Of 1996: Requires a minimum length of hospital confinement in conjunction with childbirth. This requirement applies to health plans and health insurance companies that provide hospital stays for childbirth in MORE
Business / Finance / Nonparticipating Life Insurance Policy: Life insurance policy whose policyholders do not receive dividends, because they are not participants in the interest, dividends, and capital gains earned by the insurer on premiums paid. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Nutrition Assistance Programs: Federal programs in Puerto Rico and American Samoa that provide food assistance through block grant funds in lieu of food stamps, and to the Northern Marianas under a covenant governing U.S. relations MORE