Health / Health Insurance / Carve-Out Companies: Organizations that have specialized provider networks and are paid on a capitation or other basis for a specific service, such as mental health, chiropractic, and dental. See also carve-out.
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Health / Health Insurance / Carve-Out: Specialty health service that an MCO obtains for members by contracting with a company that specializes in that service. See also carve-out companies. MORE
Business / Finance / Nasdaq Small-Capitalization Companies: A group of 2000 companies with relatively small capitalization, which are listed separately and have at least two market makers. MORE
Business / Accounting / Public Companies: Entities whose stock is publicly traded. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Insurance Companies: Insurance companies accumulate large sums of money from the premiums paid by their policyholders. While part of this money is held in reserve to satisfy claims and cover operating expenses, much of it MORE
Business / Accounting / Diversified Companies: Companies operating in more than one line of business. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Carve-Out Companies: Organizations that have specialized provider networks and are paid on a capitation or other basis for a specific service, such as mental health, chiropractic, and dental. See also carve-out. MORE