Health / Health Insurance / Brand: A name, number, term, sign, symbol, design, or combination of these elements that an organization uses to identify one or more products.
Search Google for Brand:
Brand Noun Synonyms: kind, make, type, sort, variety, brand name, manufacturer, maker, trade name, trade mark, label, mark, marque, name brand
Brand Verb Synonyms: mark, stamp, identify, tag, label, trade-mark
Entertainment / Liquor / Klipdrift Brandy: South African brandy. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Blackberry Brandy: Blackberry flavored brandy. 70 proof. MORE
Entertainment / Video Games / Brand Manager: Someone who's responsible for managing a brand. For instance, there's a guy who makes sure that all Crash Bandicoot toys look 'on model' (adhering to the Crash Bandicoot 'bible'). There's a guy who ma MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Branding: The process of identifying and differentiating an organization?€™s products, processes or services from another organization by giving it a name, phrase or other mark. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Apricot Brandy: Apricot flavored brandy. 70 proof. MORE
Entertainment / Liquor / Cherry Brandy: Cherry flavored brandy. 70 proof. MORE