Health / Disease / Remedial Investigation: The CERCLA process of determining the type and extent of hazardous material contamination at a site.
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Investigation Verb Synonyms: enquiry or inquiry, examination, study, review, exploration, quest, search, probe, research, discovery procedure, scrutiny, analysis, inquest, inquisition, interrogation, questioning
Lifestyle / Adoption / Initial Assessment or Investigation: The stage of the CPS case process where the CPS caseworker determines the validity of the child maltreatment report, assesses the risk of maltreatment, determines if the child is safe, develops a safe MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Remedial Counseling: A type of employee counseling used to correct performance or behavior-related issues. MORE
Health / Disease / Remedial Investigation: The CERCLA process of determining the type and extent of hazardous material contamination at a site. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Remedial Training: Describes a method of teaching intended to help people who have basic skills deficiencies, such reading or writing. MORE
Health / Disease / Health Investigation: The collection and evaluation of information about the health of community residents. This information is used to describe or count the occurrence of a disease, symptom, or clinical measure and to eva MORE
Health / Disease / Exposure Investigation: The collection and analysis of site-specific information and biologic tests (when appropriate) to determine whether people have been exposed to hazardous substances. MORE