Health / Disease / Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation And Liability Act Of 1980 (CERCLA): CERCLA, also known as Superfund, is the federal law that concerns the removal or cleanup of hazardous substances in the environment and at hazardous waste sites. ATSDR, which was created by CERCLA, is responsible for assessing health issues and supporting public health activities related to hazardous waste sites or other environmental releases of hazardous substances. This law was later amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA).
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Act Verb Synonyms: behave (oneself), carry on, deport oneself, comport oneself, conduct oneself
Act Noun Synonyms: deed, action, undertaking, operation, step, move, feat, exploit, accomplishment, achievement
Comprehensive Verb Synonyms: inclusive, encompassing, thorough, extensive, full, exhaustive, complete, sweeping, wide, broad, encyclopedic or encyclopaedic
Liability Noun Synonyms: answerability, responsibility, burden, onus, accountability
Liability Adjective Synonyms: disadvantage, drawback, hindrance, impediment, encumbrance, snag, hitch, barrier, obstacle, obstruction, burden, onus
Response Noun Synonyms: answer, reply, retort, rejoinder, reaction, effect, feedback, return, comeback
Business / Agriculture / Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT): A program administered by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior to compensate counties for the tax-exempt status of federal lands: the fixed payments per entitlement acre (on MORE
Business / Finance / Payoff Diagram: In option pricing, a graph of the value of the option position at expiration as a function of the underlying asset price. MORE
Entertainment / Baseball / Payoff Pitch: A pitch thrown with a full count. MORE