Health / Disease / Common Source Epidemic: A common source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection. A point source epidemic occurs when a group of people is exposed to a single common source of infection at a single place and time. There is no significant transmission between individuals. Common source infections may be point source, intermittent or continuous. cf propagated and mixed epidemics.
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Common Adjective Synonyms: mutual, reciprocal, joint, shared
Common Noun Synonyms: ordinary, everyday, commonplace, prosaic,ual, familiar, customary, prevalent, frequent, run-of-the-mill, general, normal, standard, conventional, regular, routine, stock, average, proverbial, plain, simple, garden-variety, common or garden
Epidemic Adjective Synonyms: widespread, universal, prevalent, prevailing, rampant, general, wide-ranging, pandemic
Epidemic Noun Synonyms: plague, pestilence, scourge, rash, growth, upsurge, outbreak, spread
Source Adjective Synonyms: fountain-head, well-spring, origin, provenance, provenience, inception, start, outset, beginning, root(s), commencement, rise
Business / Agriculture / Point Source Pollution: Pollutants that are discharged or emitted from discrete 'point' sources, such as pipes and smokestacks. Both the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act focus control requirements on point sources and b MORE
Science / Geology / Point-Source Pollution: Water contamination that can be traced to a single point. A toxic material spill and a sewage discharge pipe are examples of point sources. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Point Source Lamp: Arc type lamp producing light from a small gap between two carbon rods. MORE