Cholera El Tor

Health / Disease / Cholera El Tor: El Tor is the name given to a particular strain of the Vibrio cholera bacterium, the causative agent of cholera. It has been the dominant strain in the seventh global pandemic. It was first identified in 1905 at a camp in El-Tor, Egypt. The strain is relatively mild, or at least rarely fatal.
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Technology / Computers / Pixel: Short for Picture Element, a pixel is a single point in a graphic image. Graphics monitors display pictures by dividing the display screen into thousands (or millions) of pixels, arranged in rows and MORE

Pixel Size

Science / Spiders / Pixel Size: the number of Angstroms per pixel in the digitized micrograph. Pixel size is computed as ps (A/p) = [10,000(A/u) * SR(u) * DF] / M, where ps = pixelsize, SR = scanning resolution, DF = decimation fact MORE


Entertainment / Video Games / Pixelated: The effect whereby the individual pixels in an image are very apparently visible. MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Pixelization: Pixelization occurs due to errors in decoding the MPEG bit stream where areas or patches of color appear instead of the higher resolution image. It might be described as the picture 'breaking up'. T MORE


Technology / Computers / Pipelining: A processor performance enhancement process that allows for a second instruction to be performed before the first has completed. This process produces a steady stream of information and greatly increa MORE

Pipeline Burst Cache

Technology / Computers / Pipeline Burst Cache: A type of memory cache built into many modern DRAM controller and chipset designs. Pipeline burst caches use two techniques - a burst mode that pre-fetches memory contents before they are requested, a MORE