Health / Disease / Biologic Indicators Of Exposure Study: A study that uses (a) biomedical testing or (b) the measurement of a substance [an analyte], its metabolite, or another marker of exposure in human body fluids or tissues to confirm human exposure to a hazardous substance [also see exposure investigation].
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Exposure Noun Synonyms: baring, uncovering, laying open, unveiling, disclosure, disclosing, unmasking, revealing, revelation, expos‚, airing, publication, publishing, communicating, communication, leaking, leak, divulging
Study Adjective Synonyms: contemplate, consider, reflect on, think over or about, ruminate on, chew over, turn over, weigh, ponder, deliberate over or on or about, muse about or on, mull over, meditate on or about or over
Study Noun Synonyms: learn (about), read, con, memorize, burn the midnight oil, lucubrate, bone up (on), cram, swot or swat, mug up
Study Verb Synonyms: learning, lessons, bookwork, work, reading, contemplation, investigation, boning up, cramming, swotting or swatting
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Business / Finance / Perfect Market View (Of Capital Structure): Analysis of a firm's capital structure decision, which shows the irrelevance of capital structure in a perfect capital market. MORE
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