Health / Dentistry / Staff Model HMO: An HMO where doctors are employed by the health plan and provide care at a health care center facility.
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Model Noun Synonyms: representation, replica, mock-up, maquette, scale model, working model, miniature, dummy, image, likeness, facsimile, copy
Model Verb Synonyms: copy, imitation, facsimile, representative, miniature
Staff Noun Synonyms: stick, pole, standard, baton, rod, pikestaff, pike, stake, cane, stave, shaft, alpenstock, shillelagh, club, truncheon, mace, crook, crozier, sceptre, wand, caduceus
Health / Yoga / Rod or Staff (Dandasana): A seated pose. Sit straight with your toes pointing upwards. Relax your arms at the sides of your body. MORE
Technology / Programming / Retroactive Modeling: Retroactive modeling allows types to model concepts without modifying the types in question. Retroactive modeling is very important for reusing existing data structures with new, generic algorithms. MORE
Science / Biology / Quantum Models Of Speciation: Models of evolution that hold that speciation sometimes occurs rapidly as well as over long periods, as the classical theory proposed. MORE
Business / Finance / Simple Linear Trend Model: A regression analysis between only two variables, one dependent and the other explanatory. MORE
Business / Finance / Single-Factor Model: A mutual fund that invests in individual countries outside the United States. MORE