Health / Dentistry / Primary Care Physician (PCP): A physician, usually a family or general practitioner, internist or pediatrician, who provides a broad range of routine medical services and refers patients to specialists, hospitals and other providers as necessary. Under some benefits plans, a referral by the primary care physician is required to obtain services from other providers. Each covered family member chooses his or her own PCP from the network's physicians.
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Care Verb Synonyms: be concerned, trouble oneself, feel interest, worry, fret, trouble, mind
Care Noun Synonyms: anxiety, worry, trouble, anguish, disquiet, distress, grief, sorrow, dolour, sadness, suffering, misery, woe, tribulation
Physician Verb Synonyms: doctor, medical doctor, M.D., doctor of medicine, medical practitioner, general practitioner, G.P., medical man or woman, specialist, diplomate, navy surgeon, doc, medico, medic, man, sawbones, bones
Primary Adverb Synonyms: first, prime, principal, chief, main, leading, pre-eminent, cardinal, fundamental, basic, essential, predominant, elementary, elemental, underlying
Primary Adjective Synonyms: firsthand, direct, immediate
Business / Finance / Primary Dealer: Usually refers to the select list of securities firms that are authorized to deal in new issues of government bonds. MORE
Science / Psychiatry / Primary Delusion: delusion arriving fully formed without any discernable connection with previous events MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Primary Control Tide Station: A tide station at which continuous observations have been made over a minimum of 19 years. Its purpose is to provide data for computing accepted values of the harmonic and non-harmonic constants essen MORE